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Mainstreaming Women Employment and Human Development in Kheda District India- Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty by UNDP

Author Affiliations

  • 1Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research-Ahmedabad, INDIA
  • 2 Principal, N S Patel Art’s College-Anand, Gujrat, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 26-35, November,14 (2012)


The decade after independence have seen incredible and chronological transformation in the status and position of women in Indian society. Gujarat is the model for women employment and human development across the nation. Employment certainly holds the key to improvement in status of women and human development and poverty reduction. In Kheda district, Gujrat, India an employed women becomes more conscious of her socio-economic position and rights. The employed women are gaining a status and influence in modeling decisions in the family. Therefore, the endorsement of family composition is converting into a democratic structure in Kheda. Further, the employment of women statistic shows in this paper that the employment status leads to education of girls and it promotes development and reduces their poverty, as seen in the positive correlation coefficient of per capita income and human development and poverty reduction. SL approach to poverty reduction by UNDP explains and illustrates how Kheda women contributing to the economic activity and building strengthen society for the district.


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