12th International Science Congress (ISC-2024) on 8th and 9th December 2024.  International E-publication: Publish Projects, Dissertation, Theses, Books, Souvenir, Conference Proceeding with ISBN. 

Headlines in Newspaper Editorials: A Contrastive Study

Author Affiliations

  • 1English department, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch, Urmia, IRAN
  • 2 Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Malaya, MALAYSIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 1-7, November,14 (2012)


Newspaper editorials constitute a part of media discourse, which is an extremely important field of research in both intercultural rhetoric analysis and EFL/ESL studies. Specifically, certain features of editorial headlines and also their important role in monitoring and directing readers' attention have made the interface between the linguistic analysis of newspaper editorial headlines and teaching of english as a foreign language as a relevant issue in language teaching. Through conducting a contrastive textual analysis of selected headlines, culled from the editorials of the english newspaper, The New York Times, and those of Persian newspaper, Tehran Times, the present study aimed at exploring the kind of textual and rhetorical strategies the two newspapers employed for propagating their preferred ideologies. The results of the study indicated that headlines in the two papers presented a subjective attitude of the writers (newspapers) towards the topic. However, based on the analysis of the data, it became clear that there were certain differences between the two sets of headlines in terms of Presupposition, and certain Rhetorical devices.


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