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Table of Contents

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 1-29, October (2012)

Research Paper

1. To assess the Impact of HRIS in Facilitating Information Flow among the select Software Companies in Bangalore, India
MNishad Nawaz (2012). Res. J. Management Sci., 1(3), 1-8.
2. Analyzing Soundness in Indian Banking: A CAMEL Approach
AswiniKumar Mishra,Harsha G.Sri,Anand Shivi,NeilRajesh Dhruva (2012). Res. J. Management Sci., 1(3), 9-14.

Research Article

3. Customer Segmentation: The Concepts of Trust, Commitment and Relationships
Eze JudeO.,Uche B. Ugwuanyi (2012). Res. J. Management Sci., 1(3), 15-19.
4. Internet Banking in India Consumer Concerns and Bank Marketing Strategies
Sufyan Habib (2012). Res. J. Management Sci., 1(3), 20-24.
5. BPO World: An Analysis of the Emergence of BPO Industry in India
Mahapatra Swadesin,Jena Kalindi (2012). Res. J. Management Sci., 1(3), 25-29.