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The aftermath of female sexual objectification: Evidence from restaurants and beer lounges in Harare, Zimbabwe

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Human Resources Management, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 6, Issue (4), Pages 9-11, April,6 (2017)


The paper sought to assess the effects of female sexual objectification in restaurants and beer lounges in Zimbabwe. A qualitative research design was used. Thirty three employees were interviewed and purposive sampling method was used in selecting participants. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. It has emerged from the study that female objectification leads to negative mental, psychological and social effects ranging from eating disorders, drug abuse and being viewed as outcast in the society. Some participants expressed doubts on some of the alleged effects citing that maybe they are yet to experience the effects. As recommendations, employers must inform females before hand on the negative effects of sexual objectifications.


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