Exogenous factors in female entrepreneurship, Brazzaville, Congo
Author Affiliations
- 1ESM, Ecole Supérieur de Management, Geneva, Switzerland
- 2ESM, Ecole Supérieur de Management, Geneva, Switzerland
Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 11, Issue (3), Pages 9-14, September,6 (2022)
In this work, we studied the cultural and socio-economic factors that influence women’s entrepreneurship in the informal sector, which accounts for 70% of jobs. The specific case of the Kongo ethnic group with the distinction of being recognized as an entrepreneurial ethnic group was studied in this work. The quantitative method based on individual interviews was used but also the observation of the behaviour of women entrepreneurs on certain sensitive issues such as belief. A questionnaire as a collection instrument made it possible to obtain the parameters sought during the interview, which was generally conducted in the Kongo language. The results show that lack of employment and the need to support the family are the main reasons for women’s involvement in informal entrepreneurship. The results also show that half of women entrepreneurs use their own funds. Our study also revealed that traditional belief, especially kindoki (witchcraft) and religious, appear to be a factor favouring in the sense that they bring serenity and security to the action of undertaking.
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