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Comparative study of structural cost and seismic vulnerability of seismic resistant RC Building

Author Affiliations

  • 1Nepal Engineering College, Bhaktapur, Nepal
  • 2Nepal Engineering College, Bhaktapur, Nepal
  • 3Nepal Engineering College, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 8, Issue (1), Pages 1-9, January,26 (2019)


There are many world heritage sites in Nepal. Their seismic vulnerability study is very important for their conservation. Such type of reinforced concrete frame buildings is located in the cultural site Patan Lalitpur. The seismic vulnerability of existing buildings due to different earthquake is determined in terms of fragility curves. Capacity is determined from pushover analysis as top displacement by defining formation of plastic hinges for dominant mechanism and linear dynamic response analysis is carried out using ground motion time histories of different earthquakes for response. One of the major conclusions of the study is the probability of failure, in general, of the studied reinforced concrete buildings lies between 6.16% to 56.99% for peak ground acceleration of 0.3g. Buildings of various categories are selected for the analysis by looking into number of stories, floor area, structural configuration, location and construction materials. Structural analysis is done in finite element based software SAP2000 v14. Although From the analysis it is found that total cost of the buildings are not significantly different but in existing construction major structural component of building, columns are seen unsafe, beams are over safe. It can be concluded that only cost will not increase the strength of the building but the proper design is also equally important.


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