Mitigation of voltage disturbances (Sag/Swell) utilizing dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)
Author Affiliations
- 1Electrical Engineering Department, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, CG, India
- 2Electrical Engineering Department, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, CG, India
Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 6, Issue (8), Pages 1-7, September,26 (2017)
The paper focuses in the working of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), a series compensating device utilized for mitigating the events of voltage sag and swell which are most crucial and frequent phenomena occurring in transmission and distribution network. The sag and swell have severe impact to industrial customers ranging from disruptions of sensitive loads to substantial economic losses up to millions of dollars. The control algorithm used for detection of voltage disturbance depends on the theory of synchronous reference frame utilizing park’s transformation. The sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is used for the generation of triggering pulses for IGBT’s of voltage source inverter. Matlab/Simulink is used for simulation of the proposed methodology and the result of simulation verifies the proposed scheme.
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