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Performance analysis of AVR without controller and with particle swarm optimization (PSO)-PID tuned controller

Author Affiliations

  • 1Deptt. of EE, BIT, Durg, India
  • 2Deptt. of EE, BIT, Durg, India
  • 3Deptt. of EE, BIT, Durg, India
  • 4Deptt. of EE, BIT, Durg, India

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 6, Issue (10), Pages 15-19, November,26 (2017)


This paper presents the study and comparison of controller applied for stabilization of an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system. The AVR without any controller does not ensure robust stability of the system. To ensure this characteristic, PID controller is used in conjunction with voltage regulator and PSO algorithm is used to tune the parameters of PID to get the better outputs. MATLAB turned out to be a useful tool and it is used for the optimization process. The paper also shows us the comparison of AVR output without controller and with PSO tuned PID controller.


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