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Parameters Affecting the Functioning of Close Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe: A Review

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering, Amravati, MS, INDIA

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 35-39, January,26 (2013)


Advancement is taking place in every field of engineering and increasing the demand of smaller and effective heat transfer devices. This leads to the development of Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP). PHP is a passive two-phase heat transfer device for handling moderate to high heat fluxes typically suited for power electronics and similar applications. It usually consists of a small diameter tube, closed end-to-end in a loop, evacuated and then partially filled with a working fluid. The internal flow patterns in a PHP are a function of the applied heat flux. This paper highlights the thermo-hydrodynamic characteristics of these devices. State of art indicates that at least three thermo-mechanical boundary conditions have to be met for the device to function properly as pulsating heat pipe. This includes internal tube diameter, applied heat flux and filling ratio. Additionally the numbers of turns and thermo-physical properties of working fluid also play a vital role in determining the thermal behaviour. Apart from this, paper is a literature review on pulsating heat pipe technology; work performed by researchers. Finally, unresolved issues on the mechanism of PHP operation with different type of working fluids, validation techniques and applications are discussed.


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