Table of Contents
Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 9, Issue (3), Pages 1-74, July (2020)
Research Paper
1. |
Compatibility analysis and cost economics study of decentralized solid waste management of Kolhapur city, India
Amar A. Katkar,Pruthviraj P. Rananavare Rananavare (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 1-6.
2. |
Analysis of rainfall and return periods to assess flood risks in hilly areas of Nepal
Chandra Man Rai,Ramesh Chhetri,Benu Prasad Dahal,Saroj Adhikari (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 7-14.
3. |
Assessment of heavy metal contamination of Amlakhadi: A tributary of Narmada River, Gujarat, India
Sidat Azaz A.,Jadeja Rajendrasinh N. (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 15-27.
4. |
Assessment of heavy metals in fly ash of coal fired thermal power stations in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
Vardi Venkateswarlu,Chenji Venkatrayulu (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 28-34.
5. |
Physicochemical characterization of city supply, underground and river water in Kathmandu, Nepal
Mandira Pradhananga Adhikari (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 35-43.
6. |
Lethal efficacy of phytochemicals as sustainable sources of insecticidal formulations derived from the leaf extracts of Indian medicinal plants to control Dengue and Zika vector, Aedes aegypti (Dipetra: Culicide)
M. Rajesh Kumar Rao (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 44-54.
7. |
Geospatial assessment of raphia palm wine production and consumption points in Owerri senatorial district, Imo State, Nigeria
Uche OPARA,Abiodun Ayooluwa AREOLA (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 55-63.
Short Communication
8. |
Use of chemically modified sugarcane bagasse pith and pine sawdust for removal of colour from coolant effluent
Viraj P. Ghantani,Manoj M. Mujumdar ,Akshay Rajan Thorvat (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 64-66.
9. |
Physico-chemical characterization of vegetable wastes for its proper management
V.S. Patil,H.V. Deshmukh (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 67-71.
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Physico-Chemical Analysis of Kharun River Water in Raipur, CG, India
Shweta Goyal,Shilpi Shrivastava (2020). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 9(3), 72-74.