Table of ContentsInt. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 7, Issue (10), Pages 1-43, October (2018) |
Research Paper |
1. |
Physiological and biochemical study of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle under cadmium heavy metal stress Suraj Kumar Behera,Aurobindo Padhy,A. Leelaveni (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(10), 1-8. Abstract |
2. |
Zooplankton diversity and distribution in a Fresco Lagoon (West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire) Etile Raphael N’doua ,Aka Maryse N’guessan ,Blahoua Georges Kassi ,Kouamélan Paul Essetchi ,N’douba Valentin (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(10), 9-20. Abstract |
3. |
Trophic state evalutation of Mono River at Athieme using physico-chemical parameters (South-East Benin) Chouti Waris Kéwouyèmi ,Djangni Octave ,Hounkpe Jechonias (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(10), 21-33. Abstract |
4. |
Quarry dust effect on trees and their tolerance ability at Bethamcharla, Kurnool District, AP, India Bai G. Meera ,Anjali B. ,Shameem S. Arifa (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(10), 34-39. Abstract |
Short Communication |
5. |
Application of Brachystegia eurycoma seed hulls for the removal of cadmium in aqueous solution Khalid Musa A. ,Abdullahi Mahmood ,Gadam Sadiq I. ,Abba Mohammed D. ,Mahmud Abdulkarim Y. ,Jada Muhammad B. ,Ibrahim Isma’il ,Musa Mas’ud J. (2018). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 7(10), 40-43. Abstract |