Table of ContentsInt. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 5, Issue (11), Pages 1-79, November (2016) |
Research Paper |
1. |
Assessment of Tree Species Diversity in Chilika Lake Ecosystem of Odisha, India Jangyeswar Sahoo,Manoj Kumar Behera (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 1-7. Abstract |
2. |
Assessment of Groundwater quality through GIS for Khed Taluka, District Ratnagiri, India H.N. Bhange,P.K. Singh,R.C. Purohit,K.K. Yadav,H.K. Jain,Sudhir Jain (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 8-14. Abstract |
3. |
Enhancement the Aggregate properties by using Tyre Waste Powder for Construction of Flexible and Rigid Pavement Somnath Anil Raut,S.R. Thorat (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 15-20. Abstract |
4. |
Flood Hazard Assessment in Dhobi-Khola Watershed (Kathmandu, Nepal) using Hydrological Model Uttam Aryal,Tirtha Raj Adhikari,Sudeep Thakuri,Biplob Rakhal (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 21-33. Abstract |
5. |
Application of Family Biotic Index in Assessment of two Rivers Affected by Oil Pollution in Assam, India Moran Janmoni (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 35-40. Abstract |
6. |
Heavy metal accumulation in Pterisvittata L. growing on Abandoned Lime Kiln and Abandoned Coal Stockpile of Meghalaya, India Marbaninang Donboklang, Das Panna,Dohling Banrilang , Chaturvedi Shiva Shankar (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 41-46. Abstract |
7. |
Seasonal Variation of Avifaunal diversity of wetlands near New Viva College, Virar (west), District- Palghar, Maharashtra, India Khan Farheen,Singh Neelu ,Singh Rohit , Khedekar Prakash,Varkey Johnson ,Ghadigaonkar Pritesh (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 47-55. Abstract |
Review Paper |
8. |
Investigation of Proposed Infrastructure Developments in Beypore Port, using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) S. Praveen,J. Jegan (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 56-64. Abstract |
9. |
Dichotomy of Rain: The Dilemma of Cloud Bursts in Uttarakhand (India) and Challenges to Disaster Management Sagar Kundan (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 65-77. Abstract |
Short Review Paper |
10. |
Garbage Pollution: Deonar Dumping Ground Sarkar Leena H. (2016). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 5(11), 78-79. Abstract |