Table of ContentsInt. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 4, Issue (3), Pages 1-114, March (2015) |
Research Paper |
1. |
Diversity and Distribution of mangroves of Kundapura, Udupi District, Karnataka, Southwest Coast of India VijayaK.M. Kumar,Vijaya Kumara (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 1-11. Abstract |
2. |
Physico-chemical Evaluation of Water Quality of Narmada River at Barwani and Khalghat, MP, India V.S. Barde, S. Piplode,V. Thakur,R. Agrawal (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 12-16. Abstract |
3. |
Studies on Radionuclides 226Ra, 238U, 228Th and 40K in River Sediment Samples of Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India J. EuginShaji,C. Kannan,M.Feroz Khan (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 17-20. Abstract |
4. |
Method Validation and Uncertainity measurement for Determination of 25 Pesticides by GC-ECD and MSD in Banana using modified QuEChERS Technique S. Mishra,M.K. Saini,S. Alam,L.K Thakur.,S.K. Raza (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 21-27. Abstract |
5. |
Carbon sequestration Potential and Chemical Characteristics of Soil along an Elevation transect in Southern Himalayas, Nepal Lekhendra Tripathee,Dipesh Rupakheti,Prakriti Sharma,Ranjan Aryal,Ram SigdelShalik (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 28-34. Abstract |
6. |
Heavy metal uptake capacity of Hydrilla verticillata: A commonly available Aquatic Plant Parmita Phukan,Rupa Phukan,S.N. Phukan (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 35-40. Abstract |
7. |
Waste Water Management through Aquatic Macrophytes AnilKumar Pandey (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 41-46. Abstract |
8. |
Agro Waste: A New Eco- Friendly Energy Resource Neetu Mahawar,Priya Goyal,SunitaL akhiwal,Sakshi Jain (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 47-49. Abstract |
9. |
Assessment of Irrigation Water Quality at Cheddipalayam area of Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka M. Sugirtharan,M. Rajendran (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 50-54. Abstract |
10. |
Studies on Assessment of water Quality and Hydrological behaviour using Physico- chemical Parameters of surface water of Glacial fed Mountainous Goriganga river in Kumaun Himalaya-I Ashok Kumar (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 55-76. Abstract |
11. |
Isolation of Plastic Degrading Micro-organisms from Soil Samples Collected at Various Locations in Mumbai, India Asmita Kamble,Shubhamsingh Tanwar,Tejashree Shanbhag (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 77-85. Abstract |
Review Paper |
12. |
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources BinayPrakash Panigrahy,PrasoonKumar Singh,AshwaniKumar Tiwari,Bijendra Kumar (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 86-92. Abstract |
13. |
Zeolite Synthesis Strategies from Coal Fly Ash: A Comprehensive Review of Literature Shaila Khadse,Nisha Dawle,Pralhad Patil,Deepa Panhekar (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 93-99. Abstract |
Case Study |
14. |
Knowledge, Perception and Attitude of common People towards Solid Waste Management-A case study of Lahore, Pakistan Ali Haider,Aleem Amber,Shahid Ammara,SaleemMahrukh Khan,Aisha Butt (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 100-107. Abstract |
15. |
Plant Invasion Ecology of an Indo-Burma Hot spot region along the Disturbance Gradient: A case study PrabhatKumar Rai (2015). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 4(3), 108-114. Abstract |