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Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 12, Issue (3), Pages 1-42, October (2023)

Research Paper

1. Effect of charcoal production on livelihoods and environment in agrarian communities of Adoka District, Benue State, Nigeria
David Oriabure Ekhuemelo,Adama Ojila,Grace Dachung (2023). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 12(3), 1-12.
2. Physico-chemical analysis and identification of antibiotics resistant Enterobacteriaceae from groundwater sources in Ayobo, Lagos, Nigeria
Helen Y. OMOBOYE,Hilda A. EMMANUEL- AKERELE,Ireti C. AYO-OLALUSI,Emmanuel E. ITIGHISE (2023). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 12(3), 13-22.
3. Methods of improving the performance indicators of vehicles with gas cylinders with a universal fuel supply system
B.I. Bazarov,R.N. Axmatjanov,A. Azimov (2023). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 12(3), 23-29.
4. Effect of house hold detergent on the brain histology of fresh water murrel Channa punctatus
Pathan Misaba,Dhindhwal Shweta (2023). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 12(3), 30-36.

Review Paper

5. Environmental Morphodynamics of Rupnarayan River
Gautam Kumar Das (2023). Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., 12(3), 37-42.