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An assessment of weather and climate change impact on human health in the case of Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia

Author Affiliations

  • 1Ethiopian Civil Service University, College of Urban Development and Engineering, Department of Environment and Climate Change Management, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, P O Box 5648

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 9, Issue (1), Pages 78-86, January,22 (2020)


It is well known that weather conditions could aggravate factors for climate-sensitive disease. This paper assesses on the effects of extreme temperature and rainfall events on human health in Addis Ababa City. Health statistics of different seasons was utilized for the assessment of health impact on urban population in Addis Ababa. Surface temperatures pattern were analyzed to investigate the urban warming effect. Finding of this study indicates that, in every ten year, increase in anomalies of annual mean maximum temperature is larger than minimum temperature. The spatial variation of malarial case treated in Addis Ababa by sub-cities health centers shows that, lowland areas of the city like; Akaki sub-city have highest proportion of malaria morbidity. In the city during major rainy season (June-September) malaria transmission increase and reduce during October to February months. The morbidity of malaria also increases during short rainy seasons (February to May). The increasing rate of maximum temperature anomalies was higher at urban Addis Ababa Observatory (OBS) station than Bole International Airport station (0.550C and 0.270C respectively), the Epidemic Typhus after rainy season (September to November) was very high. The study recommends adaptation measures for the identified vulnerable areas in Woreda or local city administration level is essential for the control of outbreaks infectious or epidemics preparedness.


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