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Determining the Presence of Bdellovibrio spps in Soils from Parts of Benue State, Nigeria

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • 3Department of Biological Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • 4Department of Biological Sciences, University of Mkar, Mkar, Gboko, Nigeria

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 5, Issue (9), Pages 22-26, September,22 (2016)


Bdellovibrio are Gram-negative bacteria that are predatory on other Gram–negative bacterial cells. To investigate the occurrence of Bdellovibrio in some Nigerian soils, 81 soil samples of three types; Loamy, Sandy and Swampy from three locations in Benue State, Gboko, Katsina-Ala and Makurdi were characterised, suspended in sterile distilled water, membrane filtered, cultured and incubated at 35OC for between 36 to 120 hours, on three host bacteria namely E. Coli, Salmonella and Shigella respectively. A total of 409 Plaque Forming Units (PFUs) were observed, all on soil sample cultures from sites in Makurdi. In the distribution of PFUs on various soil types, the highest occurrence of 100 (24.4%) PFUs were observed from loamy soil cultures, while the least total occurrence of 46 (11.25%) PFUs were from Swampy soil sites. However, cultures from Makurdi Swampy soils showed occurrences of between 60 to 80 PFUs. With regards to host preferences, the highest occurrence of 286 (69.92%) PFUs, were observed on S. typhi, while Shigella and E. coli had 73 (17.85%) and 50 (12.22%) PFUs respectively. While the presence of the Bdellovibrio spps in soil niches of Nigeria has been established, the unpredictable occurrence and distribution on soils in Benue State warrants further investigation to determine if a specific pattern exists or other factors could be responsible for the observed distribution, for effective future exploitation.


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