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Impact of Global Warming on Environment

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Chemistry SLB D.A.V. College, Batala, Punjab, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 3, Issue (3), Pages 72-78, March,22 (2014)


Climatic changes is driven by changes in atmospheric concentration of number of relatively active gases called as GHG (Green House Gases). These may be CO, CH, NO,O.,CFC, fluorinated gases. Out of these, CFC has very high relatively potential impact but due to high concentration of CO, it is assumed to be major culprit. An attempt has been made to study how gases affect average temperature of the earth. All the nation in the world contributes to global atmosphere change .As per UNFCCC report, America has just 4% of total population but contribute 31.1% of the total emission. China which is 1/5 of the total world population, its consumption of energy is doubled in last 20 years. Only Russia has less industrial activity, its emission is reduced by 35%. So far India is concerned, it has been calculated to be risen by more than 50%. The studies revealed that these drastic changes in the climate adversely affect the agricultural production, new crop become unsuitable for climatic condition, soil degradation. Rise in sea level will threat to Maldives republic lying only above 2 m sea level. The drastic changes are heavy rain, snowfall in Middle East, unusual cold winter in Indian plains and snowfall in North western Himalayas. The study concluded that not only this affect on ecosystem, but also shows that some species would be forced out of their habitats, affect on human health, lifestyle and economy.


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