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Diversity of Airborne Fungi in Kadegaon Tahsil, District Sangli, MS, India

Author Affiliations

  • Dept. of Botany, Bharati vidyapeeth’s Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam, Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kadegaon-415304, MS, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (7), Pages 26-29, July,22 (2013)


The present investigation deals with the study of Kadegaon. The observations were done during the two years. Study of aerospora of Kadegaon at different sites has been done. During the investigation the aerospora of Kadegaon in December to January shows some common fungal aerospora at particular period of appearance in the air. Dominating fungi are of duteromycetes about 25 species, phycomytes 6, ascomycetes 12 and basidiomycetes 5 spccies. Out of which some are pathogenic, some are saprophytic, some fruit rotting while Aspergillus Micheli ex Link, Mucor Micheli, Rhizopus Ehrenberg, Aspergillus Micheli ex Link are highly allergenic causing diseases to human being and plants also. Appearance of these particles is characteristic and metrological useful factor. By knowing the period and allergenic characteristic one can prepare a personal calendar to avoid allergenic diseases as well as metrological forecasting the weather conditions and to control the plant diseases.


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