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Causes of Temporal Variation in the Arrival of Asian Open Bill Stork Population: A Case Study of Kulik Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Geography, Alipurduar College, West Bengal, INDIA
  • 2 Zoological Society of Assam, Cotton College, Guwahati-781001, Assam, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (4), Pages 39-43, April,22 (2013)


The paper is an attempt to identify the causes and pattern of temporal variation of Asian Open Bill Stork (A. oscitans). To understand the status of environmental health of a habitat, the trend of arrival, food and habitat of bird population play innovative role and proper analysis of that has indicated that flood in the river Kulik very adjacent to Kulik Wildlife sanctuary is the foremost cause of temporal variation in the arrival of Asian Open Bill bird population. Apart from the flood, the changing climate, deforestation and anthropogenic factors are also responsible for decline in their arrival. Therefore, such analysis or approach of study does not only reveal the temporal qualitative change experienced by that habitat but also signify the impact of that on influx of bird population along with other species.


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