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Attitude versus practices of the local community of Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines toward ecotourism

Author Affiliations

  • 1ABE International Business College-Quezon City, Philippines

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 7-13, January,22 (2021)


The Tourism Industry plays a vital role in the global economy. In fact, it has been coined by the World Travel and Tourism Council as one of the largest employers and biggest contributors to the Global Gross Domestic Product. Alongside with this is the intensive promotion of responsible travel as the United Nations World Tourism Organization had geared towards sustainable tourism development. This study focused on ecotourism by determining the attitude and practices of the residents of the Special Science and Nature City of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. The inconsistency of the peoples attitude with their practices towards ecotourism was also determined, thus, led to a conclusion on what is the reason why air and water pollution have been major problems in the Philippines. Results show that awareness towards ecotourism is evident as people were able to identify the right terms that describe ecotourism, and were able to determine the cause and effects of environmental issues. However, it has been proven that the attitude of people towards ecotourism is inconsistent with their practices as results clearly show that despite having the right attitude; people are contributors to environmental issues with their wrong habits. Nevertheless, the community has high potential to safeguard the natural beauty of the place evident to their preference between mass tourism and ecotourism destinations.


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