Enhancement of plant potential using IAA
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Botany, Saldiha College (Affiliated to Bankura university), Saldiha-722 173, Bankura, West Bengal, India
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 9, Issue (1), Pages 25-26, February,10 (2020)
Pretreatment of horse-gram (Dolichos biflorus L.) seeds with indole acetic acid (IAA) for 4 hours (2+2 instalments) before accelerated ageing treatment (99.1% RH and 32±2oC) for the durations of zero(0) to 30 days slowed down the rapid loss of percentage germination and reduced percentage field emergence because of ageing. Performance of the plants was found to be much better in the IAA pretreatments as indicated by the higher protein content and activity of peroxidase enzyme. Results, therefore, pointed out that the pretreated seeds achieved higher seed potential and thus enhanced the production of healthier plants.
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