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Potentiation of crop seeds under ambient storage condition

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Botany, Saldiha College (Affiliated to Bankura university), Saldiha-722 173, Bankura, West Bengal, India

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 8, Issue (11), Pages 33-34, November,10 (2019)


Deterioration of seed is a natural catabolic process which results in serious impairment of seed viability and consequent termination of life span of the seed. This may because of some pathogenic attack or by adverse environmental conditions. Retention of vigour and viability of seeds in tropical and subtropical countries like India is a matter of serious concern to the crop growers because of high temperature and high relative humidity (RH) prevailing in major parts of the country almost throughout the year. The present study is to find out the effective method to enhance the storage life of crop seed species having viability problems.


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