Review of Hafeez, Shaik. and J. Chapla., Treatment of Naja Naja (King Cobra) Snakebites in Tribal Areas of Adilabad District, India, by Hakim
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Zoology, Government Champhai College, Mizoram-796 321, India
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 6, Issue (8), Pages 50-51, August,10 (2017)
Treatment of snakebite by the ‘Hakims’ and by herbal treatments are suggested in many research paper, many of them are without any scientific proof and do not confirm the authenticity of the treatment. Several papers suggest the treatment of snake bite, without any consideration of whether snake is poisonous or non poisonous. Author has reviewed the paper very carefully, which is not only interesting but encouraging to discover herbal treatment for snake bite, by Hafeez, Shaik. and J. Chapla., Treatment of Naja Naja (King Cobra) Snakebites in Tribal Areas of Adilabad District, India, by Hakim. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. 4(3), 1-5, March (2015).
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