Evaluation of ecological status of natural vegetation of Diana forest range under Jalpaiguri division, West Bengal, India
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Botany, Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College, Aurangabad, Murshidabad, Pin-742201, West Bengal, India and Department of Botany, Prasanna Deb Women’s College, Jalpaiguri, Pin-735101, West Bengal, India
- 2Jurapani High School, Jurapani, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, Pin-735210, West Bengal, India
- 3Department of Botany, Raiganj University, Uttar Dinajpur, Pin-733134, West Bengal, India
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 6, Issue (8), Pages 17-33, August,10 (2017)
Forest vegetations are the most diverse in the vegetation structure and composition which directly or indirectly responsible for the existence of other ecosystem. All forest regions are being affected by several means and thus scientific and ecological monitoring is obligatory for conseration of the forest. Angiospermic plants are a typical and important component of most of the forests and contribute considerably to biodiversity. Thus proper ecological analysis of angiospermic plants provide the elementary status of the vegetation. The present investigation is aimed to reveal the phytosociological and ecological status of the angiospermic plants of Diana Forest Range under Jalpaiguri Forest Division.
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