Effect of Composting process on stake holders in Lahore Compost Pvt. Ltd, year 2014
Author Affiliations
- 1University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan
- 2Lahore Compost Pvt Ltd, Punjab, Pakistan
- 3University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 5, Issue (9), Pages 59-62, September,10 (2016)
During the present ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment), stakeholder consultations were carried out. The objectives of the consultations were three fold, to obtain an overview of the socio-economic, gender, and associated characteristics of the groups potentially affected by the existing LCL (Lahore compost private limited) facility and planned expansion to obtain views of the stakeholders, and to identify and examine the potential impacts of the facility on the affected groups and to make recommendations which will maximize the positive impact of the facility on women and men of the affected groups and which will specifically increase women\'s involvement in, and benefit from, the project. Stakeholders consultations are an ongoing process required for CDM (Construction design and management) monitoring and are done regularly. It was kept in mind while conducting this study that the objective of the consultations would be to clearly understand the community\'s concerns. The objective of this consultation is to obtain views of the stakeholders, and to identify and examine the potential impacts of the facility on the affected groups and to make recommendations which will maximize the positive impact of the facility on women and men of the affected groups and which will specifically increase women\'s involvement in, and benefit from, the project.
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