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Evaluation of SMBG, Diet and Physical Activity in DM II Patients, A Case Study at Tertiary Care Hospital of Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Pharmacy, SMBBMU, Larkana, PAKISTAN
  • 2Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, PAKISTAN

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 4, Issue (9), Pages 69-73, September,10 (2015)


Self monitoring of blood glucose level helps to evaluate the result of dietary requirements, medical treatment, stress and physical activity on glucose levels within blood.Out of 400 patients 9% were involved in SMBG once daily, (14%) were involved in SMBG two times in a week, 7% were involved in SMBG three times in a week and 70% were involved in SMBG once in a 15 days or month(s). The frequency of SMBG and adjustment in dose of drug was as 28 (78%) once daily, 34 (60%) two times in a week, 19 (67%) three times in week and none of the patients who were involved in SMBG once in a 15 days or month(s) adjust their dose. The frequency of SMBG and adjustment in diet was as 34 (94%) once daily, 42 (75%) two times in a week, 21 (75%) three times in week, 4 (50%) once in a 15 days and 122 (44%) who were involved in SMBG once in a month(s) involved in adjustment of their diet. The frequency of SMBG and adjustment in physical activity was as 16 (44%) once daily, 19 (33%) two times in week, 7 (25%) three times in a week and 74 (27%) who were involved in SMBG once in a month(s) involved in adjustment of their physical activity.It was also concluded that the patients who were involved in SMBG as per recommendation got the benefit by adjusting their dose, diet and physical activity.


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