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Quantitative Analysis of Iron and Ascorbic acid contents in locally consumed Fruits and Vegetables

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, St. Aloysius’ (Autonomous) College, Jabalpur, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 4, Issue (7), Pages 42-47, July,10 (2015)


Iron deficiency anemia is one of the major health problems which affect both non-industrialized and industrialized nations. Anemia affects the cognitive performance, physical capacity, immune status and reproductive performance. One way to address this problem is through a food-based approach by increasing the consumption of iron-rich foods which also have better bioavailability. Therefore the purpose of the study was to quantify the iron and ascorbic acid content from various locally consumed fruits and vegetables. The samples (Apple, common fig, ground nut, soya bean, dates, fenugreek leaves, spinach and raisins) were bought from the local market. The iron content ranged from 0.52 mg/100g to 2.4 mg/100g. The maximum content of iron was found in fenugreek leaves followed by soya bean, common fig, ground nut, apple, raisins, spinach and finally in dates. Ascorbic acid content ranged from 1.99mg/100g to 14.97 mg/100g. From the present study it can be suggested that food such as apples, common fig and ground nut can be included in our diet, because they not only contain good amount of iron but also ascorbic acid which has been reported as a powerful enhancer of non-heme iron absorption.


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