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A strain of Chryseobacterium sp. isolated from necrotic leaf tissue of chayote (Sechium edule Jacq)

Author Affiliations

  • 1Biotechnology and AppliedEcologyInstitute (INBIOTECA), Veracruzana University, Culturas Veracruzanas No 101, Col. Emiliano Zapata CP91090, Xalapa, Veracruz, MÉXICO
  • 2 High TechnologyLaboratory of Xalapa, Veracruzana University, Médicos No. 5, Col. Unidad del Bosque, CP 91010, Xalapa, Veracruz,MÉXICO
  • 3 Faculty of Biology, Zone Xalapa, VeracruzanaUniversity, UniversityZone, Xalapa, CP 91000, Veracruz, MÉXICO

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 52-60, April,10 (2014)


There are few reports of bacterial diseases in chayote because these are usually attributed to other pathogens, mainly fungi. However, from two Sechium edule Jaqc Sw plants showing necrosis of the leaves, the presumptive pathogen was isolated from symptomatic leaves on yeast-dextrose-calcium carbonate agar yielding yellow-orange color colonies that developed after 36 hours. This study was proposed to identify the microorganism associated with this pathology and to evaluate its aptitude to induce necrotic damage in four varieties in S. edule. The bacterium identification was carried out by examining the characteristics of the colonies and cells, the biochemical characteristics and a sequence of the gene fragment coding 16S rRNA. It was found that leaf necrosis of chayote may be caused by Chryseobacterium sp. Similarly, a phylogenetic analysis was performed with 26 species of this genus together with the strain under study, finding more similarity to C. indologenes and C. gleum. Significant differences were found in the expression of the symptoms of chlorosis and necrosis amongst the varieties of chayote constantly appearing throughout our study. Chryseobacterium was described in 2010 for the first time as a pathogen associated with Soft Rot of the Calla Lily in Poland. This genus has been found in different environments, and therefore it is considered appropriate to investigate its ecological role or any other association it may have with plants.


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