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Study of IL-8 and IL-17 levels among certain group of Repeated Spontaneous Abortion Women with or without Toxoplasmosis, Iraq

Author Affiliations

  • 1Biology Department, College of Science, Babylon University, Babylon, IRAQ
  • 2 Biology Department, College of Science for Women, Babylon University, Babylon, IRAQ

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 2, Issue (8), Pages 37-41, August,10 (2013)


Toxoplasmosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases worldwide caused by Toxoplasma gondii that leads to abortion or hydrocephalus during pregnancy. Thirty four female patients, age range from (14) years to (44) years with mean (29.45), with repeated spontaneous abortion suspected with toxoplasmosis were subjected for this study. Serum samples were collected from women undergoes more than two consecutive spontaneous abortion visit Babylon hospital for Maternity and children, Babylon-Iraq. All samples were investigated for specific IgG and IgM anti-toxoplasma antibodies to check toxoplasmosis in those women by using ELISA technique. This study also included measuring the level of IL-8 and IL-17 cytokine by (ELISA) to investigate their role in the immune-regulatory mechanisms involved in the repeated abortion. The results revealed that 13(38.2%) women were positive for anti-toxoplasma antibodies, 9(26.5%) women were positive for specific IgG anti-toxoplasma antibodies, while 4(11.8%) women were positive for both (specific IgG and IgM anti-toxoplasma antibodies). The results revealed that the toxoplasmosis were more prevalent in the women with age groups ranged from 14-24 years. Also there is substantial rise in the levels of IL-8 (1261.45±704.97) of Repeated abortion women with toxoplasmosis the when compared with Repeated abortion without toxoplasmosis (703.41±199.15) and control group (487.7 ± 134.6). The same results were observed with IL-17 levels which is significantly increased in the Repeated abortion women with toxoplasmosis (1491.6±500.98) when compared with Repeated abortion without toxoplasmosis (915.41±115.23) and control group (532.6 ± 127.8). Our study conclude that IL-17 and IL-8 involved in the induction of inflammation and occurring of repeated abortion.


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