Seed Dormancy, Storage Behavior and Germination of an Exotic Invasive Species, Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae)
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, SRILANKA
- 2Postgraduate Institute of Science University of Peradeniya, SRILANKA
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 7-14, January,10 (2013)
Lantana camara is a native shrub to West Indies. It has been introduced to several tropical and sub tropical countries. Now this plant has become invasive in these countries including Sri Lanka. The objective of this study was to gather basic information on seed biology of L. camara to aid in controlling it. Seeds were collected from numerous shrubs in Kandy and Ambalangoda. Seed moisture content (SMC), imbibition and germination of untreated and manually scarified seeds were determined. Effect of dormancy breaking treatments was studied. Length, width, mass, SMC and germinability of developing seeds were examined. Seed Moisture Content of L. camara (12.9%) suggested that seeds are orthodox. Both untreated and manually scarified seeds imbibed water in similar rate. None of the seeds germinated in light/dark and constant dark conditions. Further, seeds contained a fully developed embryo. Thus, it was concluded that L. camara seeds have physiological dormancy. Only a few seeds responded to dormancy breaking treatments suggesting that L. camara seeds have deep physiological dormancy. According to the ontogenical experiments, L. camara seeds attained physiological maturity and dispersal maturity by 4th and 5th week from pollination, respectively. It can be concluded that onset of dormancy occur before seeds attained physiological maturity, where germination of developing seeds was 0% at any stage. L. camara seeds showed the potential to retain in the soil seed bank. Thus, to control L. camara invasion, suitable methods have to be develop to deplete the soil seed bank.
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