A Reliable and High Yielding Method for Isolation of Genomic DNA from Ammi majus
Author Affiliations
- 1 Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida 201303, INDIA
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 57-60, January,10 (2013)
The developed protocol describes a cheaper, quicker and reliable method for the isolation of pure DNA from medicinal herbs, such as Ammi majus, which produces the secondary metabolites xanthotoxin and berganpectane having immense medicinal importance. Use of CTAB, liquid nitrogen and EDTA in different isolation protocols analyzed for A. majus, all were ended with polysaccharide and protein contamination with low purity of DNA (A260/280 = 1.3 1.6), revealed a need for method modification for the inexpensive and rapid isolation of pure DNA. Developed reliable and competent protocol isolated enough pure DNA (A260/280 = 1.81) without following time consuming lengthy steps and hazardous chemicals used in other protocols, which increase experimental costs, risk, and need expertise to perform. The explained protocol requires few chemicals and little time to obtain pure DNA having yield 688 g/g of A. majus. A higher quantity of isolated DNA obtained from young fresh leaf samples than from either the callus or stem. A. majus is a pharmaceutically important medicinal herb, and the present protocol aids in the analysis and modification of its genes.
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