Polygraph and its legal fallacies
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Forensic Science, BBAU, Lucknow, UP, India
Res. J. Forensic Sci., Volume 6, Issue (5), Pages 5-9, June,29 (2018)
Nowadays, there are various techniques like Polygraph, Narco analysis, Brain mapping, Voice change analysis are used for detecting deception. Out of all these, Polygraph is the oldest and the most used technique because of its simplicity, non-invasive nature and ease of combining other PDDs techniques. Polygraphs are of great help in solving crime and their use is increasing day by day in our country. This is also known as lie detector; however, the term is a misnomer. Albeit it's great importance, this test individually is not of great relevance in court but it is preferred over 'third degree methods' because of its easiness to get concealed information. In this paper, the instrumentation of polygraph and different format of conducting test have been reviewed. An attempt has been made to discuss in detail various limitations of this test and the reasons behind questionable acceptance of this test in the scientific and legal community especially in India.
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