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A Study of the Impact of Selected Visual Aids on Knowledge of Municipal School Children

Author Affiliations

  • 1SVT College of Home-Science (Autonomous), Santacruz-west, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai-400049, India

Res. J. Family, Community and Consumer Sci., Volume 4, Issue (5), Pages 1-7, July,27 (2016)


The present study was undertaken to ascertain that visual aids can increase the knowledge of selected concepts. One hundred students from 7th standard in the age group of 12 to 15 years from Andheri Municipal School were selected. Visual aids were posters, charts, bulletin boards and charts. Tools developed were; Visual aids and questionnaires for pre and post testing. Sample for the study were explained concepts through specially prepared visuals. Then, all visuals were displayed on boards for 6 weeks. Sample was informed to study the material and was informed that a test would be conducted on the same. Prepared test was administered to students of 7th standard to ascertain their knowledge level. After a period of 6weeks, the same test was administered to know if there was an increase in marks obtained by the students. There was a significant increase in marks of pre-test and post-test for concepts: Pollution, Value Education and T.B.; for the concepts of safety and habits there was marginal increase in marks. Overall marks of pre-test and post-test shows that there was an increase in marks obtained in the post-test. It is concluded that the prepared aids were effective in increasing the knowledge level of the students.


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