Education for sustainable development through E-learning in Higher Education during COVID-19 pandemic
Author Affiliations
- 1Mahatma Junior college of Education, Chembur, Mumbai-400071, India
Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 10-18, August,1 (2022)
To adapt to the changes in higher education, digital learning has the potential to play a big role in providing meaningful lifelong learning for student achievement in the long run. E-learning is a service based on a software system that allows all materials for the educational process to be accessed and made accessible online to all students at their preferred time and location. This digitalization of Indian education sectors prevailed far before but as the world faltered from the outbreak of the novel Corona virus 1.38 billion learners got affected globally. Worldwide lockdown was imposed according to the government regulations, during this lockdown e-learning came up as a major platform to interact with trainers, learners and others involved in the education sector. This study focuses on e-learning; and discusses how e-learning is the best approaches during Covid 19 pandemic. The goal of this study was to see how effective e-learning is in higher education during the Sustainable Education Pandemic. The perceptions and knowledge of students of bachelor, master's and teacher trainers were examined. The six dimensions examined were: general expectations; quality of learning; teaching materials, pedagogical instruments and assessment; skills learned through the use of online platforms; satisfaction and interactions. The survey included a total of 67 respondents. Using a well-structured questionnaire, a quantitative analysis was conducted. The findings showed that the students surveyed thought that they achieved a high degree of motivation and satisfaction and achieved a successful learning outcome through E learning.
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