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Preliminary study in Irrigational quality of Groundwater sources in parts of Soygaon block, District Aurangabad, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Groundwater Survey and Development Agency, Central Administrative building, Aurangabad, INDIA
  • 2 Groundwater Survey and Development Agency, Bhujal Bhavan, Pune, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Earth Sci., Volume 3, Issue (2), Pages 7-12, February,25 (2015)


Groundwater quality assessment for irrational use was carried out in Soygaon taluka of Aurangabad district. Twenty one groundwater samples were analyzed for geochemical variations and irrigation quality. The samples were chemically analyzed for physicochemical parameters including; pH, Conductivity, total dissolved solids, Alkalinity (CO, HCO), Calcium, Magnesium, total hardness, sulphate, Sodium, and Potassium and to determine irrigational status Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR), Percent sodium, Residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Kelley’s ratio (KR), Permeability index (PI) and Residual sodium bicarbonate (RSBC) were calculated. The correlation between US Salinity diagrams showed that 11 samples fall under C1 and 10 samples falls in C1 category. While in Wilcox’s diagram it was found that 9 samples had water quality varying from excellent to good while remaining 12 samples had water quality varying from good to permissible. Quality assessment for irrigation suitability shows that the groundwater of the area belongs well to Moderate category and can be used for irrigation.


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