Provenance and Paleoenvironmental Study of Bima Sandstone in the Upper Benue trough, N.E., Nigeria
Author Affiliations
- Department of Geology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, NIGERIA
Int. Res. J. Earth Sci., Volume 1, Issue (2), Pages 1-11, May,25 (2013)
Provenance and paleoenvironmental study of Bima sandstone of Upper Benue Trough was attempted using representative samples from two widely separated areas, and taking azimuth directions of cross beds, ripple marks and elongation of pebbles in the areas. Analyses of the results show that the sandstones are mostly quartz-arenites and arkose of plutonic igneous and metamorphic origin. Rose diagrams of paleocurrent directions show predominance of 210o - 240o trend in the eastern margin of Gongola Arm, and a predominance of the 300o - 330o direction in the southern margin of Yola Arm of the Upper Benue Trough. Interpretation of the results revealed the crystalline basement of Adamawa, Cameroon, Mandara and Hawal Massifs, which border the trough as the source areas. Bima sandstone was formed during tectonic quiescence and in a humid tropical climate in the Mid-Cretaceous times. The deposition of the Bima sandstone was construed to have marine shoaling influence in a fluvio-deltaic environment.
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