Phytoplankton Diversity in Transitional season in the Inner of Ambon Bay, Maluku province, Indonesia
Author Affiliations
- 1Dept. of Environmental Science, Diponegoro University, Jl. Imam Bardjo SH, Semarang, Central Java, 50241, INDONESIA
- 2Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto SH, Semarang, Central Java, 50275, INDONESIA
- 3Dept. of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto SH, Semarang, Central Java, 50275, INDONESIA
Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., Volume 3, Issue (10), Pages 1-6, December,24 (2015)
Research on the community structure of phytoplankton in transitional seasons have been conducted in the Inner of Ambon Bay in Maluku province, Indonesia. Forty-nine species of phytoplankton are identified with the group of diatoms Bacillariophyceae dominated the plankton community. The species which dominated are Chaetoceros sp., Trichodesmium sp., Rhizosolenia sp., Ceratium sp., Nitzschia sp. and Navicula sp. The abundance of phytoplankton is range between 2.335 cells L-1 – 37.252 cells L-1.
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