Impact of Trawl Fish Ban on Artisanal Brachyuran Crab Fishery in and Around Sikka, Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat, India
Author Affiliations
- 1Fisheries Research Station, Sikka Campus, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka 361140, Gujarat, INDIA
- 2Fisheries Research Station, Sikka Campus, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka 361140, Gujarat, INDIA
- 3Fisheries Research Station, Sikka Campus, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka 361140, Gujarat, INDIA
- 4Fisheries Research Station, Sikka Campus, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka 361140, Gujarat, INDIA
- 5Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390002, Gujarat, INDIA
Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., Volume 1, Issue (1), Pages 22-27, February,24 (2013)
Over the last two decades exploitation of mud crab population has increased in many countries of South East Asia and it supports substantial commercial fishery and is an important component of traditional fisheries. In Sikka, large numbers of fishermen are engaged in artisanal crab fishery using spears, traps and other traditional gears like umbrella net and fence net. The species of crabs which are largely captured are Scylla serrata and Portunus pelagicus. In the absence of regulations, fishing activities may target all size-classes, including juvenile crabs, adult and sub-adult crabs as well as gravid females. In Gujarat during monsoon, from 15th June to 15th August mechanical trawler fishing activities has banned, which are known as no fishing time or fishing-ban. During this period most of the fisherman prefer traditional crab fishing as crabs are easily captured with minimum efforts. The purpose of this study is to find impact of trawl fish ban (TFB) on artisanal crab fishery and compare with Post trawl fish ban (PTFB) period in and around Sikka. Data was collected from three sites; i. Vador ii. GSFC jetty area and iii. Reliance Jetty area. We studied trend of crab fishery and morphometric study of captured crab from June �August, 2012 (TFB) and September to November, 2012 (PTFB). Results suggest that number of fishermen in artisanal fishery increased four folds during trawl fish ban and the study area is heavily exploited for crab fishery. The catch per unit effort is decreased while total catch is greatly increased during TFB. The findings suggest that the area is extensively explored for crab fishery during TFB period and that more number of smaller crabs is captured during this period.
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