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The Seasonal Fluctuation of Physico-Chemical parameters of River MulaMutha at Pune, India and their Impact on Fish Biodiversity

Author Affiliations

  • 1Zoology Department, Fergusson College, Pune, MS, INDIA

Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., Volume 1, Issue (1), Pages 11-16, February,24 (2013)


The paper highlights pollution status and impact on fish diversity in Mula-Mutha River and damps on it. Seventy two species was reported in 1942 in this river. However, it has been observed that fish diversity is gradually decreasing since last thirty years unprecedently, mainly due to manifold human activity. Fish diversity in midway of river is becoming rare and only four species have been reported form polluted stretch of river. The river Mula-Mutha is flowing through city area and is one of the important sources of water body because of seven dams on it and its importance in agricultural, industrial and development of Pune city. Its perennial nature supports abundance of aquatic life including fish fauna. About Sixty Three species of different fishes have been reported from upstream from January2003- December -2007 and only Four species of fishes in the downstream during winter and summer. The Mula-Mutha River and its tributaries are highly polluted due to domestic and industrial wastes. The physico-chemical aspects of water pollution of Mula-Mutha Rivers was analysed seasonally with respect to following parameters from July-2004 to May-2005. i. Water temperature, ii. pH, iii. Dissolved solids, iv. Dissolved oxygen, v. Free carbon dioxide, vi. Acidity, vii. Alkalinity, viii. Chloride content, ix. Nitrates, x. Phosphates, xi. Biological oxygen demand, xii) Chemical oxygen demand. It is observed that the level of these parameters was optimum during and winter and summer seasons. In the polluted stretch of this river, tolerant species as Aorichthysseengala, Oreochromismossambicusand Gambusiaaffinis as well as air breathing fish H. fossilisare found at many places.


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