The effects of major pests of banana in Tanzania and their managements in relation to climate change
Author Affiliations
- 1Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, 447 Arusha, Tanzania
- 2International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 447 Arusha, Tanzania
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 9, Issue (2), Pages 44-51, April,8 (2021)
Pests have played a major role in reducing banana yields in Tanzania. Despite the fact that banana is important as staple food and cash crop, a 30 to 100% yield decline has been reported in the country due to weevil and parasitic nematodes. This review aimed at discussing the effects and management options for major banana pests in relation to climate change using online resources. The review identified the consequences due to climate change as increased pest\'s development and range alteration, interference of the temporal and geographical pest harmonization, increased damage potential from alien species, promotion of minor pest to major pest, loss of host-plant resistance and failure of biological control, these affects agricultural production. This suggests that, management options should be altered depending on the changes occurring in agricultural systems, in order to ensure sustainable solution to both weevils and parasitic nematodes challenges.
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