Effect of age and site quality on the wood properties of Albizia richardiana (Voigt) King and Prain
Author Affiliations
- 1Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chittagong - 4211, Bangladesh
- 2Khulna University, Khulna -9208, Bangladesh
- 3University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 9, Issue (2), Pages 27-31, April,8 (2021)
Albizia richardiana (Voigt) King & Prain is a promising light demanding fast growing species and planted as an ornamental tree in Bangladesh. Wood is light yellow colored, contain indistinguishable sapwood and heartwood. The present study abridges the results of an assessment designed at assessing the uses of A. richardiana as an alternative source of raw material for various purposes. The physical and mechanical properties were assessed and compared at two different ages of two ecologically difference and distinct districts namely Rajbari and Barisal in Bangladesh. The samples of Rajbari site exhibited the best results in both physical and mechanical properties compared to samples of Barisal sites in both cases of age and site quality. The results also revealed that samples of 12 years in both sites were superior.
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