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Comparative effects of some sanitation methods on growth and yield of false horn plantain in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Crop, Horticulture and Landscape Design, Ekiti State University, ado-Ekiti

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 5, Issue (4), Pages 6-9, April,8 (2017)


Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) is highly susceptible to attack by the larvae of banana stem borer which feeds by creating tunnels through the plant. The borer causes loss of plant vigour and reduction in plantain yield. Several cultural practices are deployed towards ensuring the root health of plantain and also reduce occurrence of this root and corm pest. Farmers in Ekiti State are largely unaware of the presence of this devastating pest and possible measures against it. This study was carried out to determine the effects of some precautionary measures (boiling water, red acalypha plant extracts and furadan) against banana stem borer infestation in newly cultivated field in relation to growth and yield of plantain. The field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti and arranged in a randomized complete block design of four treatments and three replicates. The treatments include boiling water, red acalypha plant extracts, furadan and a control. Growth data collected include the height and girth of the pseudostem, length and width of the youngest leaf, number of functional and leaf area. The number of days to inflorescence, number of days to harvest, number of hands per bunch, number of fingers per hand and bunch weight made up the yield parameters. These data were subjected to analysis of variance and the differences between treatments were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Vegetative growth was best enhanced among red acalypha treated plants. Highest bunch yield was also obtained from red acalypha treated plots followed by boiling water treated plots. The control plots produced the lowest bunch yield. Dipping of suckers in either red acalypha plant extracts or boiling water as a precautionary measure against stem borer attack is an adaptable, less expensive technique recommended for adoption by Ekiti State plantain farmers.


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