Role of Milk, Dairy Products and Milk Components Used in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Dairy Technology, Ankara University, Turkey
- 2Department of Dairy Technology, Ankara University, Turkey
- 3Department of Dairy Technology, Ankara University, Turkey
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 4, Issue (9), Pages 14-20, September,8 (2016)
Milk and its products are among the most essential food diets used throughout human lifecycle. However the relatively high saturated fat content in the milk raises issues of potential risk factor for MetS with its increasing prevalence that has become a global burden. This review paper gives information from the recent studies on milk, dairy products and factors in milk with evidence obtained from epidemiological, experimental, and biochemical studies which contribute in the management of MetS. Several epidemiological evidences show that dairy products intake and physical activities play significant role in the regulation of MetS and its related complications. Vast experimental studies highlight dairy protein (whey and casein) milkfat, calcium, vitamin D, potassium and magnesium as major dietary component used &
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