Susceptibility of Mulberry Accessions Grown in Kenya to Insect Pests under Field Conditions
Author Affiliations
- 1Plant Science Department, Chuka University, Kenya
- 2Department of Crop, Seed and Horticultural Science, University of Eldoret, Kenya
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 4, Issue (9), Pages 1-5, September,8 (2016)
Evaluation of several mulberry accessions against insect pests has not been done extensively, leading to use of mulberry leaves that lower silk worm growth and silk cocoon production. The incidence and severity of major insect pests attacking mulberry grown in Kenya under natural infestation in field conditions was evaluated. Five mulberry accessions including Thailand, Thika, Embu, S41, and Kanva-2 were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Pest damage was scored and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test significance of the different means. Major insect pests were wingless grasshopper (Neorthacrisacuticepsnilgirensis) and long snout beetle (Sitonagressorius). Thailand had the highest infestation percentage of 54.3%, followed by S41 with 47.8%, Kanva 2, 43%, Embu, 41.2% and Thika 33%. Varietal rating to insect pest susceptibility showed that Thailand accession was susceptible. S41, Kanva-2, Thika and Embu accessions were moderately resistant. These varieties can therefore be utilized in mulberry improvement programmes.
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