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Utilization of Non-timber forest products from village Plantation forests managed by Aizawl Forest Development Agency, Mizoram, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Forestry, Mizoram University, School of Earth Sciences & Natural Resource Management, Aizawl -796004, Mizoram, India
  • 2Department of Forestry, Mizoram University, School of Earth Sciences & Natural Resource Management, Aizawl -796004, Mizoram, India

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 4, Issue (8), Pages 1-9, August,8 (2016)


section of the society. A survey was conducted in five Village Forest Development Committee (VFDC) plantation areas under Aizawl Forest Development Agency (FDA) - Lungleng 1, Muthi, Sihphir vengpui and Sumsuih VFDC plantation site. VFDC is an implementing agency at village level. The contribution made by NTFPs towards alleviation of poverty is immense. It was observed that among all the NTFPs Bamboo pole has the highest percentage of household involved in harvesting i.e,42% of household, followed by fuel wood 37%, broom grass 35%,vegetables 30%,fodder 19%, fruits 6%and least in medicinal plants 5%. The villagers mainly harvest for their own consumption as they are abide by VFDC rules which allow them to harvest only for their own consumption and in a sustainable way. This provides a greater lasting impact to the villagers and gives them a sense of ownership. Management of VFDC plantation sites which has rich NTFPs resources might not give them direct benefits in cash, but it sure does provide them food and shelter which is the other two basic necessities of live.


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