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Vermicomposting Efficiency and Quality of Vermicompost with Different Bedding Materials and Worm Food Sources as Substrate

Author Affiliations

  • 1College of Agriculture, Laguna State Polytechnic UniversitySiniloan Campus, Siniloan, Laguna, PHILIPPINES

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 4, Issue (1), Pages 1-13, January,8 (2016)


Vermicomposting is a simple environment-friendly technology that supports sustainable agriculture and waste management programs. It involves physical and biochemical action of earthworms in converting organic materials (usually wastes) into two useful products- the earthworm biomass and high quality organic fertilizer, the vermicompost. The efficiency of vermicomposting may be measured by the worm number and/or biomass and the vermicompost produced. To achieve high efficiency one of the keys is selection of proper substrate which is composed of bedding material and food source for the worms. A 3x3 factorial experiment with plant matter and animal manures as the factors was conducted to determine the efficiency of vermicomposting as indicated by worm biomass vermicompost produced. Data on worm number and weight, and vermicompost produced were collected and analyzed. A sample of vermicompost from each treatment was brought to soil laboratory for NPK analysis. It showed that the sawdust, among the plant materials, and hog manure, among the animal manures were the best materials for vermicomposting substrate. The worm number and total weight were highest in this combination. The individual weight and concentration of nutrients NPK were highest in G. sepium and chicken manure substrate. It is concluded that efficiency of producing worms and vermicompost is affected by the substrate materials and that it could be increased by selecting appropriate substrates.


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