Effects of different levels of Jackfruit Seed Flour on the Quality Characteristics of Chocolate cake
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Food Science and Technology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi- 221005 INDIA
- 2 SHIATS Allahabad, INDIA
Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 3, Issue (11), Pages 6-9, December,8 (2015)
Food is the basic necessity of life and everyone in this world is interested in it. A recent survey stated that consumers are concerned about limiting the amount of calorie and cholesterol in daily diet as higher fat intake results into cardiovascular diseases which are highly pernicious. The jackfruit seed flour is rich in protein and carbohydrate while low in fat and calorific value it is relevant to convert seed into flour and use it in different convenience food products. Conversely, it was adapted to blend 5-15% JFS for cake preparation on wheat flour replacement basis. In the present experiment jackfruit seed flour and wheat flour were used in the formulation of low calorie cake. The wheat flour and jackfruit seed flour were mixed in the ratio of 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 100% wheat flour (control) JFS was used in the formulation of chocolate cake. The chocolate cake samples of different treatments and control, chemical analysis moisture, Protein, Fat and ash was done for estimating its nutritional content and safety and Organoleptic characteristics like (flavor and taste, body and texture, color and appearance, overall acceptability) by hedonic scale. The treatments containing 10% level of JFS score the highest value. Thus product acceptability judged by Organoleptic evaluation and therapeutic value, the treatment can be rated as T2>T0>T1>T3.
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