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Assessing the impact of employee cultural intelligence on employee voice behavior: the mediating role of leader-member exchange (case study: Tehran university of Medical Sciences, Iran)

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Executive Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
  • 2Department of Governmental Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 7, Issue (8), Pages 1-11, August,14 (2018)


Cultural intelligence refers to functionality of an employee in various cultural situations. It is one of the most powerful instruments to implement effectively different tasks in various working environments. The aim of the present research is to assess the impact of employee cultural intelligence on employee voice behavior regarding the intervening role of Leader-Member Exchange. The study consisted of all employees and managers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences with a total number of 200 individuals. A standard questionnaire consisting of 50 questions was used to collect data. Validity was performed using a coefficient of variation ratio and confirmatory factor analysis for variable validity and reliability was performed with Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient. To test the hypothesis, structural equation least method with partial least squares approaches was used. The results of the research indicated that employee cultural intelligence positively and directly influenced employee voice behavior and the quality of leader-member exchange with 0.345 and 0.347, respectively. It was also shown that leader-member exchange had a positive and direct impact on employee voice behavior with 0.523. Thus, employee cultural intelligence has both direct and indirect impact on employee voice behavior regarding the intervening role of leader-member exchange was confirmed.


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