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An overview on life crises during early adulthood

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Home Sciences, MLS University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • 2Government Meera Girls College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Res. J. Family, Community and Consumer Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 5-7, July,27 (2022)


Usually, transitions to adulthood include looking for a life partner, deciding on an occupation, and realising who one is. Others find this transition daunting and encounter fear, loss, and confusion. To such experiences, the term' crisis has been applied. The aims were to define the causes and forms of the 'transitions,' reactions and crisis management strategies; and how we can stop these early adulthood crises' and/or reduce the burden on young people. In response to their crisis, people are deploying both personal and social capital. It seems helpful to get reassurance about their personal skills or abilities and to gain a new perspective on their transitional experiences. Conclusion: various studies call for greater attention to social, cultural, economic and political contexts that impact the 'life crisis' and call for a rethinking of theories of growth that imply a linear advancement to adulthood.


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