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Changes in respiratory metabolism uncovered by mercuric chloride in freshwater catfish, clarias batrachus

Author Affiliations

  • 1Dept. of Zoology, Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, Maharashtra, India
  • 2Dept. of Environmental Science, Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, Maharashtra, India
  • 3Dept. of Environmental Science, Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, Maharashtra, India

Res. J. Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sci., Volume 8, Issue (1), Pages 8-11, May,24 (2020)


In this recent work we present the knowledge and adverse effects of man-made activities such as industrial development throughout the world. Industrial waste contains amount of heavy metals mix-up with the nearby water bodies and damage to tissue of fishes and finally causing death. Respiration is an important physiological body activity for each and every animals. Similar weighted catfishes Clarias batrachus were chosen for the study of respiration. They were found in the muddy fields of water which have barbles. The selected fishes were experimented with lethal concentration in the laboratory for two days. The concentration of mercuric chloride was imparted at 1.2ppm for 96 hours. Winkler's method was used to measure the respiratory mechanism. In this investigation it was found that the gradual descending trend of oxygen consumption when exposed to Mercuric Chloride for 96 hrs.


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